I hate you, blogger. whenever I go to write I just end up on blogger instead because I am too good at not doing things.

good thing I'm posting this photo of what my natural hair colour in like instead of working on the things that would make me happy. oh such, such a smart guy. Anyway, I like this colour at the root there. Rather boring, but reassuring. Ohh boring but reassuring, there's something I've never been described as.

let these photos, in which I look medium-good, serve as a salve to comfort you after the photos in the last entry. I was very right about babes not finding it as funny as I did. Win some, lose some.

It's very warm outside, apparently. Nice that spring has come but it's filling me with a bit of unease, like it's the end of the world, or like we're going to get hit with crazy, crazy winter weather in the near future and be completely unprepared.
I've been walking everywhere a lot more these days and I lovelove it. I wish that time magically bent if I wanted to walk so that it would be the same time as biking because I much prefer walking but biking takes a third of the time. Obviously.

it's okay that I'll never paint or fix the holes in the wall at this house because it is shabby-chic. ugh.
Should I stay at this house past June? I don't know where else I would like to live. I would like more of a home and there's been too much change and four people is a lot of negotiating for space/decor/daily living.
I miss Yulie.
I'd like to live with a babe who didn't care at all about the house except to admire it and then I'd do all the decorating and make all the decisions and he'd just wander around in awe of my great taste.
Dreams, man, dreams!
(aww man, it's like my worst fear to end up with someone who wants to put up pictures of cars or sports or something in my house. Or showcase their collection of beer bottles around the living room. yeah, that's my worst fear, I knowiknow.)

I have a new roommate but I haven't seen him yet. Oh, maybe he just got home. I won't open my door right now, I'm busy being alone.
I've been medium-busy. Working every day forever. In a nice way. I think I love my job. So smooth so sweet.

I've been working on a couple of different scripts and they are both quite sad and one is so sad... Hmmm. Everything is either very, very fun or very sad for me. I don't like in betweens.