
dating advice #1 - how to show you're interested

here is my first video in a new series I'm making wherein I give you some dating advice. I think my take on dating is universal and will give you all you need to know about how to date and keep dating.
Whether you're in a relationship or not, this advice is worth hearing.

Please send your relationship related questions to me and I will answer them in video format! You can email me, or leave your questions in the comments below. It can be for advice for you, your friend, or your "friend", I'm easy.
And that's why I'm the expert.

Also, a BIG shout-out HAPPY BIRTHDAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY to one of my favourite people, Dollface turns 12 today!! Congrats baby! She can now babysit your kids!

here we are last hallowe'en with Flash Gordon!
and then I tried to woo her.

and then we laughed