
nice skin

Hey the other day I let Dayna take pictures of me! For Gelaskins.

Man, I don't ever mind getting my picture taken really and if it means I get to hang out with one of my favourite buds for a bit at the same time and get coffee and some skins and stuff then all the better!

I still keep meaning to get a personalized one made up for me...

I would maybe get one of these:
cold on the south saskatchewan

saskatoon home love there you are

or maybe something like this:

there's other photos I'm thinking of but I have no idea where they are in my photostream. I think I'll get multiple skins and switch it up all the time. mmmhmm.
Very cool idea and company, I think.

I get to go to work tonight! I am tired because Flash Gordon called me and woke me up this morning which would have been fun except I was hanging out with Norman until past 3 in the morning just talking about art and love and other stupid shit like that.
Just kidding best buds.

I am in a terrible mood these days a lot and a lot of it is the various stresses of having roommates. Remember when I was in love with this house and having people around? No longer!
Things will get better, I'm sure, I'm just annoyed and worn out and tired of conflict and conflict resolving and at some point people are going to need to all grow up.
Which is easier said than done, of course.

I don't think I blogged this video yet so here you go. I was in a very, very good mood on that day. Good moods are good ideas!

Also someone stole the front tire off my bike which is locked up in front of my house and now I have to walk to work and walk everywhere basically. And I'm pissed. I'm extra pissed because it was a shitty tire so fuck off, ya know? You don't even want that shitty tire, I need it.