
occupy bareass beach

 haaa my mum uploaded this picture to her fb and the album name is "Occupy Bareass Beach".
classic mother.

 I've been hiding out in my room all day making Christmas crafts. I can't tell if I'm in a good mood or bad mood lately. Both.
 Went to see a couple of the shows last night at Toronto Improv Fest. So, so good. The first show I went to, especially was wonderful. It was an all-woman extravaganza and featured several of my favourite comedians and buds. So, so impressive. And I was happy that everyone I knew legitimately killllllllled it and I didn't have to pretend congrats for anyone because it was super amaze like whoa. Especially my favourite classmate, so happy she's so great.

Lots of redheads in the show! Maybe 45% redheads. Am I exaggerating? It seemed like a lot! I'm jealous. What is going to make me special now???
 I'm working all weekend. Super weird. Please give me more jobs. Thanks
this last one is my favourite. Obviously?