I wish I had unlimited money! remember how sometimes people basically just buy themselves careers and success? I wish that was me!
buy me some improv shows and some feature films and some tv shows to be in!
I'll pay you in awkward HJs if you want them?
("it doesn't have to be awkward"
"yes it does, you obviously haven't met me")

I wish I had unlimited funds so I could just do improv and all other comedy all day long and take every workshop and make bffs with everyone and then get to be the boss of it right quick like I want in my heart. YA KNOW?
I have no patience for the part of doing something where I'm not good at it yet. That's the problem with thinking that you're smart! you have no patience for not being smart at something! ughguguuhhh. this is why I'm only half good at everything except acting which I basically am only half-good at because have you ever seen me do shakespeare? DIDN'T THINKSO. (not that I couldn't, though because I could don't worry)

(hahahaa I love this picture so much I make such a good petulant child. cast me as that.)
We had an improv show last night. My conservatory class, I mean. Our last one of Con 2. I've been at this shit for four months now I guess! that's a bit!
I'm feeling way way good about it. Maybe not about my actual realtime work right today but what's going to happen when it's the future and I'm the best. I think it's possible that I will become awesome at improv/comedy in general.
a) I'm smart (really, meredith, really you think you're smart? huh, I never would have guessed.)
b) I'm getting good at characters and soon I'll be good at being bigger and uglier and more specific and voices!
c) I love it
d) I'm cute in the face but in a way that lends itself well to being ugly funny

here we are at pho. the lady friend is not in our con class, she's in the one that's just ending now and I went to their show and they fucking killed it and our final show in June (family, book your plane tickets) is going to be that good too so get ready.
but yeah, us three are all saskatchewan-born. though both of them lived in alberta for bits of time. But when she's home in North Battleford at Christmastime I'm going to drive out and visit her to go thrift shopping that'd be so funny.

Does anyone actually care if I use their real names on here anymore? Probably not if you're a comedian all you want is to have everyone know your name and whether or not I think you're funny.
This dude is one of my favourite classmates (along with the other 9) and he heard I said "I'd rather die" than get with him and now this is my favourite joke and I think now he wants to prove otherwise. hahahaaaa people don't like it when you say you'd rather die.

now here he is kissing my fingers and it made me very very uncomfortable! and squeamish and giggly... ooo maybe I wouldn't rather die...........
(yes I would)

hahahahaha see what I mean about my face? Problematic!

also it's annoying to have such an asshole face like mine which is the most transparent thing and I can't even make jokes in peace sometimes. nah, just kidding, my face is whatever it's on me so I'll deal with it
(no but really, can someone buy me a chin?)

this one is so dreamy and foggy I love it so much. we look like tv sisters! you know like where they make one blonde and one redheaded? hey prove that we aren't related! #donorbabyjokes

guys I'm not even in that good of a mood right now but I can't stop writing like I am. maybe it's the leftover pho I had for breakfast and now I have msg poisoning and I'm going to die. Probably.

HA, look at our proportional wine bottles! god damn that tiny wine bottle is so handy, it's so me-sized. and portable!
YEAH, SO. this one part of my life is really good. and everything else is feeling okay though we have a couple of issues with the pact, I think the pact is still for the best. It's keeping me aware of what I'm actually wanting. mostly. kind of. when I'm sober.
Now somebody hire me and give me some money or somebody cast me in something super high-paying and life will be fucking so sweet I'll fall over and kiss your tiny tiny toes.
Also, Christmas is coming!