
I'm already standing on the ground

been staying at Dollface's the past few nights while she's out of town on "business". I like Kaya.
Kaya does not understand about timer photography. She thinks I'm running back and forth to play with her. You wish, dog. 

I was grumpy but I already took pictures of these boats and I thought if I got in the picture too then it would be more interesting.
I have a couple of shifts at work this weekend like a real employed person.

These kittens are in a window by Norman's house and there were six of them all asleep in a cuddle-puddle in the cage. did my heart pretty much melt out of my chest? yep.

 I tried to take a picture of how witchy it was out last night but you can't really get the whole picture. I was a bit in love with it though.
Now I'm listening to the Eagles because I obviously have had that witchy woman song stuck in my head all day and it's just gone from there...

Went to a fashion launch event thing with Norman last night. I was feeling too tired for proper party and he was a bit POed that I went home real early. I know, I'm lame.
Actually I haven't been out past call at all really this week... hey maybe I am calming down! that'd be so weird. (also, I wouldn't count on it!) 

the view from the roof at this party last night was wonderful, though. and the company was good and the fashion was super-neat. I'm just tired.
I'm still tired. tired, tired, tired.
I did have a lovely brunch today at Aunties and Uncles with Carlos who is in town for the weekend. Nice to see her! And nice to go to Aunties, I hadn't been in forever and it's still sooooo good. I always feel a bit sad when I've eaten it all and the soup was something like pumpkin squash apple cider.... uh huh.