
rerun, rerunt, rerun the baby, the fanciest cat

rerun in the suitcase

So this little baby kitty died yesterday.
I use the term "baby" lightly as he was 14 and half I think?
Rerun was born when I was in grade 8, he and his twin sister, Cactus were both breech and I had to pull them out of their mama cat. Gross!
The mama cat was such a sweet little one who then disappeared when they were a week old and so we bottle-fed Rerun and Cactus and I insisted on keeping both of them. Obviously. Classic Meredith.

haha kitten cuddles

oh man oh man oh man. Guys.
I felt bad because we were having impromptu taco night at our place last night and we had lots of people over and I started hysterically crying. Cool moves.
I also kicked out my friend so I could hysterically cry for awhile before trekking to the bar for Hallowe'en. Still having some issues with water coming out of my face but getting it under control.

I went as a fancy lumberjack to the bar last night, I threw together a costume real quick with the puffiest face ever. It was pretty jokes.
I yelled at several people for not liking my costume and told people I was sad a lot. Winning moves, I got.
I flirted with this guy who had whiskers drawn on but he wasn't dressed like a cat he was dressed like a bunny. a playboy bunny apparently but he was wearing far too many clothes for that.
Ughh. ugh. 
Rerun was honestly the best cat. He was so sweet and calm-natured. And the only cat that got along alright with all of the other three (who want nothing to do with each other). Also the best because he was affectionate without being toooo sucky.
He's definitely my mum's favourite, too. Which is heart-breaking because now who is going to sit on her arm while she tries to write?

rerun and cactus are twins.
cactus and rerun
cactus and rerun

The funniest to me was that he hated being walked by and would sit in the middle of the road and yowl at you when you walked past and then swipe and your legs. Ha! So dumb!

Also, my baby cousin called him the "fancy cat". I have no idea why! Probably because he was ginger? Adorable, though.


this is the last picture I took of him, I guess.

I knew when I saw him in August that he was not doing too well as he was very skinny and sickly.

Oh, sigh, guys. Oh sigh.

Rerun was totally my favourite. You know how you can't choose favourites with your children? You can with cats. And Rerun and Adventure Cat are my favourites.

I'm going to miss that little huge baby guy so much.

I mean, Christmas is coming. Which is amazing. And I can officially get the fuck into the holiday spirit and go to town on gearing up for the holidays.
So I feel completely bananas today. Coupled with some other drama shit in my life which is ups and downs and then I just feel so..... too much. Too much today.

Plus I still need a job like WHOA. really, really whoa.