For some reason Vevo won't let me embed a video here, but I can on Facebook? That's dumb. Anyhow, this:
is the new Arkells music video for Kiss Cam
which features me and Onesie dancing rather sweetly (compared to our normal obnoxious moves!) near the end. We look darling, actually.
You're welcome Arkell buds for the use of our image. Had no idea it was being filmed (may or may not have been right wrecked)!
Luckily I actually really like Arkells, though (spoiler!) I'm 99% certain it wasn't actually that song I was dancing to.

I went to Boston Pizza with Killary tonight for one of our typical Valentines dates. Did you know they have gluten-free crusts there?! And it looked to be the same prize as reg. Nice nice!
I had one and it was not-bad. It wasn't the best pizza crust I've ever eaten but it was totally fine.
Also they told us that "Paralyzer" cocktails were on special. I have never, ever heard anyone in Ontario ever mention a paralyzer. Is it just a Sask thing? They are popular here for sure, I remember hearing about them when I lived here. I don't think I had ever tried one before so I had to order one.
Here is what happened:
Actually, it wasn't as bad as my face makes it out to be. Only mostly terrible!
Totally worth it for the cultural experience. Obviously.
I feel like I got nothing done today! Maybe because I didn't drive out of town?
I went to a scrapbooking store, I visited Killary's baby, had coffee with a lovely friend, ran into a couple of people I know, had dinner with Killary and even read a bit of my book. Aaaand I'm supposed to go out with Consti later........
I had a bad stress headache this afternoon, so much to see and do in this town and it's making me so sad to think about leaving so soon!

ughgughhhh does anyone want to pay for me to live in both places at once?