prairie prairie prairie prairie

just hanging out with my family all day long on the prairies. yesterday was pretty much the most perfect day ever to be out on the plains.

uh oh my aunt is here to pick us up to go to Michael's and then go to a movie and I forgot to get dressed. whoops!

I may or may not want to get married in this church. Is that allowed if I am not Catholic? Probably not, hey?
What if it's abandoned? can I just show up and get married in it?
Ha! Imagine me getting married?!
I can't.

hahaaa my aunt just said "I'm going to boot you soon" guess I've over-stayed my welcome already! what a smart mouth I have.
I was trying to be funny for my baby cousin (who is almost 4) yesterday and she looked at me quite seriously and said "if you're trying to be funny, you should just tell me..."
also, earlier I was giving her a "monster-back-ride" in the lake, which is where you have a child ride on your back while pretending to be a monster and jump around in the water and she said "can you please stop making those noises? You are really annoying me"
hahahaahhaahaaa burned several times by a tiny child!

this is my sweet ride while I'm home. Nicey nicey.
Also, I walked home from the bar last night because I'm tired of not walking because I live in a somewhat dangerous neighbourhood but it was only like a 15 minute walk and I would never in real life take a cab for a 15 minute walk. Uh uh. Anyway, it was fine but a bit nervous-making.