hahaa Sweet Beastly's face. So cute.
We had Mixtape Club Dinner Party last night at Mrs's house! I lovelovelove mixtape club, which you've probably gathered if you know me IRL or see me on twitter or fb.
Whatever, I love it.
It's always just such a lovely fucking comfortable time with people I don't get to see nearly enough of but who I loooove so hard.

Mrs. did a really wonderful, stand-up job of accommodating our (my) various dietary restrictions. I basically ate a pound of brie, probably not the best plan but it was so delicious! And there were gluten-free crackers!

Whose red ghost is that? I dunno.
Also, rootbeer floats with coconut-milk ice cream are a genius idea, jfyi.

Arrow got to come because he lives at Mrs's house, not because we're expanding Mixtape Club. Don't get jealous. haha, aww Arrow was being very cute and helpful.

I'm working all week this week except today because I have a show and except Tuesday because I have a class. Improv is costing me all of my dollars. I do love improv, though.
We did a musical class for the first time last week and I guess most of the people did all of the levels through Second City before doing our conservatory program but I've only done classes with Bad Dog and so they have some experience with singing and I really, really don't. My favourite classmate asked me what was wrong last week because I think my nervous were super visible.
The problem with singing is that I wish with all my heart that I were good at it, but I'm really not very strong! Therefore I care too much and it makes me uncomfortable.
It'll be alright, though. I think I'm going to get excellent of singing in character for sure. And I have yet to break out my impression of David Sedaris's impression of Billie Holliday and that's a show-stopper for sure.


sorry to those of you who are sick of hipstamatic, it's now mixtape club tradition!
You can't really get a good sense of how nice and wonderfully decorated Mrs. and Arrow's place is from these photos but it's really quite, quite perfect. I'm pretty jealous. It has a lot of stuff in it. I just love stuff.
Sometimes I bring home more stuff and Yulie says "more stuff??" like we don't need 4 new mason jars or some shit. Yahhh right.

I think I might get the Christmas edition of Mixtape Club again this year and if I do I'm going to make it a Christmas brunch and make it all to be just like Christmas morning breakfast in our family! Ohhhh man, that would be so so so fun.
Also, I'm super excited about decorating this house for Christmas! I've never had a banister before! I have to make stockings for my roommates!! aiaiaiaai.
Leave me alone, this is the only way I can get through winter, obviously!

okay byeee gotta go do a show tell me to break my legs thanks byenow