Stayed at Dollface's this weekend with Kaya. Dollface has the best bed. It's like my cloud-bed only way better.
For Christmas I would like a pillow-top mattress cover type thing. Whatever those things are called, that's what I want.

I was supposed to go to the cottage this weekend with Yulie and Onesie but I ended up backing out. Weird, hey? All I like are cottages.
I'm just over-socialized to the degree where I can't properly deal with humans and I can't properly spend any time alone. It's a rough spot, mentally, for me right now.
I'm having trouble spending any actual time actually by myself. I'm so easily swayed into conversations and passive hang-outs with my roommates. And there's all my other friends, plus work, plus improv (classes, shows, and clinics) and all my new improv buds.
I don't remember how to read a novel or sew a dress. I don't know how to blog or stay in by myself to just chill the eff out.

I stayed in on Friday night but only because I couldn't decide on what I wanted to do and I still was texting everyone trying to find the perfect thing to do and then I got sucked into watching a billion bridal shows... It wasn't productive alone time. Still good, though.

I just cut my hair I cut maybe 2.5 inches off, I don't know. No one will notice except me. it feels very short now. It was a bit ratty. Now it is very soft and looks slightly thicker (my hair is never even close to thick).

Violet is back in town, she was in Europe for most of the summer as she deserves a break before going back fulltime for now on and forever at her law firm.
I love Violet like whoa.
I'm going to try to hog all of her attention until she goes back to work. Because I deserve it. Also, she's so low-stress and interesting to hang out with.
I made these cupcakes for her dinner party last night. I posted the recipe here, they are almost one half cheesecake these days and I like that A LOT.
Honestly these are so good and so easy. Got a gluten-free bud? They'll love you forever if you make these for them.

Planning on going to The Ex today with Dollface... I've never been to the Ex in Toronto. I wonder if Dollface will go on any rides with me. I wonder if there'll be anything I can/want to eat....