
how things are now

aw, I'm going to make someone a very good mum someday...


I'm interspersing cottage photos mostly I guess here. Just from my instagram feed.
view from our cottage bedroom window, it was gray and lovely out
My phone broke and I lost a whole lot of photos from the last few months. Turned out the last time I backed up my phone was in December. Yike.  Luckily other people took photos this past weekend and I will post them soon, I hope.
It was a super great and successful weekend, and a good dozen of us were able to make it up to the cottage over the 4 days, which is pretty amazing, really.

The shitty thing about being poor is that I have a super old computer which is not compatible with my iphone. cooooooool.  Please buy me things?
I have a job interview next week. that's good.

I still am super-pleased that the Apple store replaced my phone, don't get me wrong. I feel grateful.

henna drawing on my foot done by cheespie
Things are maybe, finally thinking about calming down around here. I know I keep saying that, but maybe this time I'm right. Like, for instance, we haven't had people over until 3 in the morning every night this week. And I only had two drinks each night for the past few nights. That is totally acceptable.  And my roommates are mellowing out a bit too, I think. Except Firehorse who does not seem to ever need any alone time, ever.
Last night I was sitting on the papasan chair and drinking a bud light lime (which then my throat and neck kind of felt thick and I got bloated, and I'm very smart for still having gluten sometimes, but MAN, sometimes you just want a beer, you know?? yes, I realize that a BLL doesn't count as a beer but cut me some slack here for one minute) and anyway, Firehorse was leaving and he said "are you really, really just going to stay in right now??"
Haa, obviously! Staying home is amazing!

Except I did go out. And I went to visit a babe who is on the roster (hahahaaaa roster, also I don't really have that much of a roster, also this babe has no patience for blogs so I can write what I like, mostly).
I went over to said babe's house and he was just watching tv and I didn't feel like just watching tv and not doing anything at all but flipping through channels. Especially if you're not going to let me watch reruns of Home Improvement.
I have no patience for this sort of thing!

(one time I was at a babe's house and he wanted to watch the rotisserie chicken channel. I'd rather die, thanks.)

dockdockdock, hammock
Do not invite me over to watch tv with you. I have things to do! All I want is a little bit of romance or excitement in my life. Preferably both.
You want to watch tv?
Then make it good. And indicate that that's your plan for the eve.
a) pick one tv show/movie -- a good one that I am also interested in, for instance
b) get me some snacks (do not get snacks for yourself and not give me any)
c) cuddle me up
d) make good jokes

cuddled up around the candles in the screened-in den
I'm working all weekend! Which is a bit thank god because I need some money like whoaaa.
And also I'm drinking less and partying less so maybe working all weekend will help. Dollface is going up to the cottage without me. BRUTAL.
hahaaaa white whine.

Life's great. It sucks that my blog is sucking because of it. September is soon, then winter, then probably I will have much more time for sitting down and writing it all out...