
crown and anchor me


everyone around here is in a pissass mood! not too terrible or anything, but bits of sadness and big decisions and not being treated properly or trying to figure out what we're doing with our lives.

I was just absent-mindedly staring at my bedroom door wishing someone would come in and Yulie came in and lay down beside me.
It's not so bad having roommates.

Went to the Ex with Dollface and we ate a tonne of shit and bought things. I bought sculpey and a dress and some sandals. We walked around a lot. Next time I'm finding a ride buddy for sure. Though I'm pretty sure I'd be way worse at rides than I used to be. My stomach is now a little bitch.

Not to point out the obvious here, but, man everyone is so self-centered these days, hey?
It seems actually unreasonable.

I don't know guy, it seems like the more selfish, messed-up, deservist you are, then the more good things come your way.
Should I start? Probably.

A lot of shitty things have been going on for me lately, in all aspects. I feel mildly fine, though.
Like maybe I just have to keep on like I'm going, keep being the kindest person I know how to be and hopefully at some point it will come back to me?

I did just about blow a gasket when Yulie and Onesie came back from the cottage on Sunday night and I was bundled up in the big chair feeling sorry for myself and watching a movie and Onesie said "oohhh looks like somebody didn't get rid of their grumpies"

Life just 100% is not fair. It is not fair in every way. Like why did Jack Layton die? That's not cool!
Especially since Harper is in fine health and spirits. Not not not fair.

I'm not really ever into gambling but Dollface and I were walking through the Ex and I saw a game called "Crown and Anchor" and since all I ever do is listen to Joni Mitchell I wanted to play it. It was a wheel one, who knows what it's called and we had to put money on a symbol. First round Dollface lost a dollar and then the second round I put a dollar and got two back. Took my three dollars and left.
Pretty funny. Not a bad way of gambling.

christmas ornaments I started yesterday! So fucking tasteful. Onesie said they are maybe too pretty. They are much more delicate and delicious in real life. I will try to take better photos later.

I am the kind of genius who thinks to mix nutella with plain yogurt and put it on fruit salad. FUCK YEAH.
mango kiwi melon salad

rain on the living room window.
It's cooling down a bit these days. I'd just barely noticed it was summer and now it's slipping away.

I can't wait to get to Saskatoon.