
too hot to write too hot to breathe

Oh, thank god.
It's a decent temperature in here right now. It's almost a bit chilly in shorts. I am in love with it.

I am the kind of guy who just doesn't deal well with heat. No one is surprised about this. I have a snowflake tattoo for shit's sake.

(all healed, now!)

when I was biking home from work in the afternoon of the hottest day of the year I forsure thought I was going to die.
I get awfully claustrophobic with the idea that I never get cool again, that I'm going to burn alive and not be able to do anything to stop it. Do not like.

this is the view from how I was lying on the floor in my room with my neck over the ineffectual AC vent. Not a bad hangout spot.

Loving In The Name Of was super extreme heat, too. I still managed to stick it out until past last call, of course. but I couldn't dance like I really wanted to dance. Also, I don't think I've ever sweated as much as I have this week. I wish I was a person who looked good in the heat instead of being one of those guys who gets so crimson that it makes everyone worry for my health and safety.

Went fence-jumping, pool-hopping afterward, though. So cold, the coldest I've felt that pool to be, I think. And lots of nudity (righton), and probably 60 or 70 people in there doing way too many dives into fairly shallow water.

in the morning Onesie and I were whining around on my bed, eating hard day-old cotton candy and dill pickle cripsy minis and I remembered that I'd won a gc to Lakeview so we wandered around the corner to use that up.

I love that a popular kind of text message I get these days is "when will you be home? I miss you!" or even better, "when will you be home? I'm making dinner!"
above photo is dinner Onesie made for me this weekend. I have no idea how to describe it and then I'd probably do it wrong and she'll be mad, but it wasn't like anything else I'd eaten. Super good.
something about ginger and rice and yogurt and green salsa and chickpeas and carrots and raw radishes... sort of like a curry but without curry? yeah. I know.

My life fully revolves around food. In the best way?

All we do is have people over and entertain. I'm not sick of it yet, though I am feeling a bit overwhelmed? Who can tell. I still love here.
Cheespie came over yesterday afternoon for hangs and I painted a bit and we made this big snack platter:

there's really nothing better. So many different things to eat and you can pick at it forever. Maybe this works especially good for me because I am a slow and pick-at-it eater and I like to take my time.
that bowl of beans are lupin beans or some shit that you can find at corner stores around here and even at Metro and they are salty and you just eat them straight and such a good snack. Also, a babe brought me the cherries, so think about that! Ha. 
Anyway, we ate the shit out of this and watched a movie and drank beer/cider and had chats.
Onesie went to work but came back 3 hours later and we were still chilling the fuck out, so she joined right back in. Which meant it was time for bloody marys, obviously.

I took it easy besides just drinking on the patio with some of my favourite ladies last night. Actually, I didn't leave the house at all yesterday. Notbad notbad.

these are the only two photos I took of Flash Gordon and I at Spoke Club on Thursday for her brother's birthday. Too bad, we looked cute. We had a relax night there, just lots of lounging around on benches and talking about life.

My tan is coming along nicely.

I use the term "tan" here pretty loosely. I haven't burnt at all really this summer. I hear that burning is the worst. Light tanning is only medium bad. I'm only trying to tan to see if I actually can. So far: Not really.

I'm considering getting around to leaving the house now. I maybe will do some good errands. That'd be so good of me. Yeah yeah, I'm responsible. I'm going to go get things done!