
party of 4

Left to right, Firehorse, Onesie, Yulie, Mare.
Yes, yes we do belong in a 90s sitcom FORSURE.

Yulie has 12,000 nicknames. I don't even know how one person can amass so many nicknames. I'm going to work on getting more for myself. Or maybe just appropriating some of hers. My roommates call me "Mare". they spell it "Mer". I would spell it like the french for mother I guess.
I'm not into people I don't know calling me that but roommates are kind of allowed to whatever. They're like family kind of but very different.

I keep forgetting to mention how I totally made it through my first month living with several other people without any type of complete meltdown. Pretty cool, right?
I'm almost at a month and half now, even.

Roommates are different than I thought they'd be. Roommates are different than having company and very different than having guests come to stay with you.
You can walk out of rooms they are in and not even have a good reason. You don't have to babysit them and they are fun to do things with and to just have around while you watch Top Chef: Just Desserts at 1 a.m.

roommates are what I hoped they'd be!

Turns out that even if you decide for years that you're a certain way or a certain kind of person, it doesn't necessarily have to be true.
I know that I had several friends worried for me because this is a big change plus I always yell about how much alone time I need and how much I dislike other humans. But you know what? I'm a decent human. I'm pretty rational, even. And so far, people like living with me.

And I with them!

Yulie and I totally bonded at her family's cottage this past weekend and I'm super excited that we actually get to keep living together and continue on being buds. Moving in with strangers is a not-bad plan because you have so much to talk about and so much to learn.


We went to Dakota last Tuesday for Dwayne Gretzky (members of lots of bands mostly this week, Sweet Thing and Arkells)'s residency and I had a pretty brilliant time. A lot a lot of dancing. I'm such a happy dancer. I didn't really take any photos of the band because whoooo caressss? But I did take pictures of myself and my buds in the washroom. Because I'm deep.

"I'm not sure if I have a crush on Onesie or if I just love her hair" -everyone in their minds (also, we all do)

Onesie has basically no online presence. which is opposite of me. She doesn't even write on fb walls. I have to quote her on my own wall because she won't comment.

Awww I like all my friends so much these days.

Mornings are the best around here. Well, along with every other part of the day. If you're around in the morning you usually get a smoothie. And hopefully a bed-in. And are guaranteed several good jokes.

 I'm the happiest guy! Why don't I just chortle to myself some more all over the place!

I was away at Yulie's family cottage this weekend (that's what roommates are for), so I haven't been around the internet at all lately. I have to figure out how to keep up with blog, though. I kind of miss it.

Okay since when is it 3:45? End of the line around here!

in this video  Mrs and I are in the car together. Prrrrretty exciting.
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