Happy Birthday, Carla Ghee!
Happy Birthday, Arrow!
Happy Birthday, Accost!
Happy Birthday, Dayna!
And every other person whose birthday is now or around now! I like you!
in this video I say what I think it would be like to have a boyfriend.
I know that winter sucks but days like today are also just toooo much.
Luckily Firehorse made me some breakfast earlier.

And actually then later he brought us freezies. Not bad not bad. Mrs, for one is completely exhausted of hearing about my new roommates. It's kind of like having 3 new boyfriends. They're the people who I see the most of. Of course everything involves them. If they would like me less and go out more, we could avoid this problem.

last night I went to comedy with Mrs, Arrow, and Flash Gordon and they all had ciders but I had a smirnoff ice.
Actually I had two.
Also, the day before that I had two smirnoff ices and can everyone stop talking about mixing them with beer? I'm tired of hearing about it. Also, smirnoff ice tastes like a liquid chemical death but sometimes you can't have beer and you don't want 4.5% cider and you don't want a tiny cocktail. YA KNOW?

Flash Gordon and I had 2 smirnoffs each after work and then we were drunk. Because that's what liquid chemical death does for ya.

blueberry lemonade chemical death

I may go to see even more comedy tonight because now I'm totally immersing myself in it and it feels different watching it because instead of jealous I feel inspired and excited for when I'm going to be doing everything too. It's going to be so fun!

I mused to my mother about how many comedians I could make out with because getting a "bad reputation".
I said, "hopefully a lot" and she said it's okay because I'm a comedian now so after making out with them I just yell "JUST KIDDING".
right on, right?

Also, after I got my tattoo my mum said "it's nice because when you feel like adding on to it you can just make it more ornate".
In other news, I'm very homesick. But I still love it here, too.