Apparently it's supposed to snow next Tuesday or something and get really cold for another while. I'm not into that at all!
How nice has it been out? I always forget how much I lovelovelovelove spring.
My hair is not that red in real life, I don't think. Nor is my nose that weird. Maybe.
We packed snacks and beers and rounded up the gang and went to bellwoods and sat in the sun. Sun!
We all ate all of Niki's yogurt raisins and all my hummus and cheese and crackers and carrots and drank all the beers. Uh huh.
I have several pink jackets lately. I feel okay about that. Even if I do look like I'm 12 in them.
I was bad at pouring the beer into the water bottle ("isn't pouring beer your job?" fuck off eh?) it was warmish plus slightly shaken plus you know, I'm not good at stuff.
there were lots of dogs including one that just loved Cpt. Heh like I can't even explain. Who doesn't?
JL spent a lot of time balancing on a stick, probably because he's a professional skateboard he's probably in training or something we were probably witnessing a genius at work!
Went to Lakeview after for more beers and some food and then I had to go home to chill out and have a long bath forever and almost fall asleep in there because of that spring afternoon-drunk that was feeling good and bad.
Got up and managed to get over to Bread and Circus for this friend's show. I know I've said it before but man does that guy have a pleasing voice. "I kinda wish I could just date his voice. his singing voice." -my friend.
Haa the best was when he was playing and in between songs he's like "I have sweat in my eyes. I'm not up here crying over my own songs okay"
pretty classic. he does look a bit forlorn there.
After that we followed the boys over to Opera Bob's for more partying. Some of the dudes sat at the bar with their guitars and played and it was lovely.
And Mrs. and Dollface played darts with the boys but I didn't. I'm not good at games I'm mostly a spoil-sport.
Then we tried on each other's glasses. Notice how that game always happens? Like how many times have I put Dollface's glasses on? A lot.
I'm so tired right now! I stayed up so late! In a good way, but still.
I kind of wonder if I'll get around to going out even. We'll see.
Word on the street is that these dudes' cover band that I like is playing Dakota tomorrow and I like Dakota and I like dancing and babes and stuff so... who's coming too?
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