
I need to start keeping on top of things I've been up to

Last week hit up skateboarder night with some skateboarders at 751 (big surprise) with Dollface and JL, which should have been fun except one of the dudes with us couldn't get served because he had Quebec ID or some nonsense kind of annoying especially when those dudes go there about a billion times a week.
So we moved on. Not before I expressed my interest in getting a moustache...

But sometimes things turn out the way they should, or something..
ended up having kind of an awesome time at karaoke at The Dog's Bullocks (whaaaat the hell is that place, even?) with a bunch of blurry people

Aww we both have powershots.. I want to see what his pictures looked like

We kind of forgot that JL is an actual singer and his karaoke was really good. He did Tracks of my Tears, which a whole bunch of people didn't seem to know. Who doesn't know that song??
JL's playing Sneaky Dee's this Thursday (today) night first time playing Sneaky Dee's (I think?) should be funtimez!

I did Rocking Around the Christmas Tree and no one punched me in the head! So that was nice. People get mad about early Christmas cheer sometimes. Something about karaoke makes me insanely nervous and completely unable to breathe. Weird, hey?
I think it's because I know I can't really do it... yet I'm compelled to. Kinda dumb.

Couldn't convince Dollface to do a number which is pretty too-bad because she's a very good singer. I know. I've heard her.

We are laughing very, very hard near the end of this video. I believe my cackle-laugh even happens. That means funny.
Also good are the smug pseudo-goth couple who run the night behind her and their comments. They were really quite smug and both did a couple of songs. He stayed at his stand and used a way better mic and did epic songs and she did a Dido song. It's not mean to make fun of people if they are smug. Right?

Good god that lady was insane, though. I know it was on purpose a bit but... Wow.

Also, the other night when I was biking home I was going up Shaw (at about 3 a.m. I'd wager) and there were people horsing around on the angels in front of the church, throwing leaves and laughing and they called out to me did I have a camera?? and of course I did!!




Pretty ridiculous! In the funnest way!


I have to email these to them, still.


The blonde one came over and we chatted and he told me he was a stylist and that he loved my boots! I don't have a picture of them, but they were nice and I did fold the tops down and then they were even better. Thanks, Payless!


Not to point out the obvious (always, all the time), but I love adventures...
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