Turkey Bird is out so I'm certainly playing this song on repeat and singing and planning for Montreal next week.
Last time I went to Montreal was three years ago! That seems unacceptable. It's so close and so beautiful.
Also, this is an entry from the last time and from it:
"We went to see some Sunday night improv last night on Ste. Catherine and there was one guy who was sooo appealing because of how much energy he had and how strong and funny he was.
I should probably start doing improv again, hey? OBVIOUSLY."
I'm super pleased that this time I'm going to Montreal to do Sketchfest. I'm super glad that that's what my life is like right now. I know I keep saying it, but, celebrating small things is something I'm totally into.
Also, it becomes more and more and more clear to me that sense of humour is the only thing I care about in any person at any time.
Being funny is the thing I care about in babes and in friends. The thing.
Anyway, I'll be glad to be seeing this babe in Montreal:

I took this picture three years ago of Carlos when we were drinking on our friend's balcony there. It's the front staircases and balconies I can't get enough of in Montreal. It's a month further into spring I'll be going this time so I'm excited to see the city getting all green.
Also Carlos was in Toronto when Nic and I formed Tall Sigh and decided to apply for Montreal sketchfest so I'm haaaappy we actually made it happen.
Speaking of Tall Sigh, our Future Mothers Day Party For Future Mothers was super lovely and I had a very nice time and we did a good job. It was stressful as all fuck hosting a show/putting it on/etc. And also doing a show where the audience was almost entirely made up of our very dear friends. But it was great. It was great to get super drunk afterwards when all the stress time was done and Carla Ghee could "DJ" and I could dance so stupid and most people left and I was like "how lucky am I/are we?"

Best DJ for sure.

Carla Ghee goes away real soon for a big project (for months!). Luckily I will be visiting her in July but my heart still hurts a bit. I did get to see so much of her this last weekend and we did drink revs on her porch so, I can't be upset really.
If you know me in real life you know that certainly my favourite thing is making my friends be friends with each other and Carla Ghee and Nic are just starting to appreciate each other in a way where I'm like "I knowwwwww you guys are both so funny you go ahead and appreciate each other!"

Spring spring spring spring. Except right now it's just rain and winds. I'm still not convinced we'll be having a summer.

Okay Chanel is snoring and it's the cutest sound so I have to go to sleep too. You know, strike while the iron's hot and all.