"If you don't take a step, you won't change your view", is a very cheesy thing my mum said to me the other day.

I'm so sorry but I like the sentiment behind that, there's such honesty there.
Everything looks exactly the same if you never move your body or your thoughts or your plans.
I've done so much goddamn moving this year; travelling, taking comedy seriously, getting better at working, and even actual moving of living places.
It feels good. Being comfortable is fine, but learning is even better. Trying is even better.
It's a sweet treat to lead the life I have now, that's free information about me.

My best friend (okay, fine, one of my best friends) is on billboards all over the city these days. Strange Empire is on CBC online if you want to watch it. (You do. Everyone does. If you don't find it worthwhile just for Cara Gee's performance alone... Well, no)

She was back in town a couple weeks ago for a bit, and I was leaving for New York that night but there were a few hours where we met up at her stylist appointment and drank small bottles of prosecco and quickly gave a run down of how we were and I admired her pants. The most confident woman I've ever met. Constantly in awe. I can't wait 'til she's back in the city with me. So soon!

Went to NYC for Nic's birthday not last weekend, but the weekend before. What a nice time. Nic is a joy and a gift and a brat in my life. Mostly the first two. And I'm equi-brat in her life, don't worry.
I just love talking to her.
Which, thank god, because we spend so much time together and have so much invested.
We don't always get along, but we do work very hard at trusting each other, communicating clearly, and at caring about each other.

It's an amazing thing to have an argument with someone who wants to improve themselves, who actually listens to criticism, who wants to change for the better. And since we're both trying for that it means that our disagreements are pretty neat, they actually get things done.
Also, we slept in the same bed for the nights we were in NYC and going to sleep and waking up next to someone who you can just laugh and laugh with? Try being in conflict. It's hard because laughing is the best thing anyone's ever done.

We got lilies for birthday celebrations and had to leave them when we came back home. They were so big, beautiful, and fragrant that it didn't seem fair to leave them behind. I hope that air b'n'b house appreciated them. Along with that bottle of malbec we didn't find time for.

I saw Norman the moment I got back. He came over and we chatted until 4 in the morning or so. A thing to remember is: if you invite Norman back to your house, he'll stay for awhile. Not to say that I didn't encourage it because boy did I ever. Just, Be Prepared.
Be prepared to bro-down for hours and listen to Carole King's Tapestry.
Oh, that's just him with me? Good.

Toronto Toronto Toronto Toronto Toronto, my home
I worked with a woman the other day who was talking about needing to move out of the Toronto, wanting to be in Brampton or Mississauga. It was such a foreign idea to me. I've never considered living in any of those places. But she'd grown up in Ajax and had moved right downtown, to the middle of the financial district pretty much.
I don't think living there is indicative of what it can (should?) be like to live in Toronto.
For me, Toronto at its best is dense but spacious, parks and neighbours, tiny grocers and access to all transit, old houses and new amenities, beautiful restaurants and dive bars, access to the best theatre and music and comedy. All within walking distance.

Ah man, it looks like I do love it here. But I find it hard to believe that someone could not, if they were doing it right.
I've been to so many places in the past year and a half and I think (weirdly enough) the place I miss the very most is Los Angeles. I never would have expected.
But in 1.5 weeks I get to try Las Vegas. Ohhh man. I've never been, so if you have any tips or tricks or do-on-your-account things, you let me know!