
My day today consisted mainly of being in wardrobe. I booked a thing which I will tell you all about when it's airing or maybe after I'm all done and finished shooting.
It's different being in this place a second time around. A few years ago I booked sooo many things in one year. Then nothing. Then nothing real for a long while. It's made me way more wary. But since I did the farting spot recently:

I feel like the curse I had has been a bit broken. Curse on my own self for feeling not-good-enough, not-confident? Curse put in place by a real rude witch? I don't know, man.
Either way, I'm happy to be back to a place where I feel like I'm real cool beauty who can book real cool things.

Yep. Real cool beauty. 
I got to try on a million wedding dresses! I said I wanted to get married this year, and this is... better? At least I'm not marrying some turd I barely know? 
Anyhow, more later. 
Also, already (only on fitting day, not even on shoot day) there's already two people I've worked with before and both are like "oh yeah, you are very funny" LIKE THAT'S A THING!  a thing is that I'm funny. Oh so nice. Also, hang around with me because I'm murdering it these days and you'll want to like indiegogo all over my face. 

Then after all this serious business meeting all day, I had celebratory drinks with Carla Ghee and her manly love, Mr. Gee (baaahaha) and I said, "hey guys, imagine if we don't end up finding a place for August 1st? maybe think about it and could I live in your spare room for one month if I paid you so much money?" and instead of thinking about it they announced that the idea would be "pure joy" which is..... oh MAN do you guys even know how much I love these people? 
Growing up fiercely unpopular and struggling with how to even be an honest person but also a cool person and also a person that people can stand to be around... and now to have this fucking rad little magic beasts being like "no kidding you can live with us no problem bring home all the babes you want" is just like................ HOW DID I GET SO LUCKY? 
hopefully by being an honest cool person. hopefully. 

Okayokayokay sleep now. I'm thinking I'll keep my bridal hair tomorrow because, hey, the higher the hair the closer to Jesus. 

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