it's almost moving day!
it's almost moving day!
so so so many goddamned things to pack still!

I'm feeling a great deal of anger towards every person who has ever given me a thing. All these things? I now have to move these things! So many things!
Nah, man, I love my things. I make Turkey Bird a bit nervous with how much I love my things and how many things I own!

Turkey Bird and I are moving to Parkdale. We found a main floor apartment with a backyard as big as a farm!!!!! it's so big!
We are going to buy hammocks and maybe a slip'n'slide and we'll have fires in our firepit. YES WE WILL THANKS.
I'm feeling a slight melancholy about leaving the Ossington Dreamhome, but it's made better by having such a beautiful space to look forward to. A new neighbourhood (right beside Carla Ghee and her mister, even!) and new things to decorate and explore.

It's been a good run here, though. I don't know if I'll ever have a bedroom as beautiful as this one again. And having a million roommates has been exactly what I needed.

When I moved out from living on my own for 7 years I was looking to have people around, learn conflict resolution skills, not freak out if people touched my shit. That sort of thing.
I've grown oh-so much in these past 2 years. I would recommend roommates to anyone! Even the hard parts, because it's learning and figuring out ways of being.

It's been so nice and so challenging, and so many changes. And for more than a year now it's been the same us four here and that's been great. I'm going to miss Cpt. Heh SO SO SO SO SO MUCH, even though he drives me BANANAS like whoa.
I'm glad that he and I got to live together at some point in our lives because I've considered him a best friend for so long and it was nice to be close again and know each other. Aw aw aw.
(also I'm still annoyed because he doesn't do anything and drinks all my apple juice hahahhaaa)

what times we've had! what a beautiful life! I honestly wouldn't trade any of this (jk tiny parts of it for sure were no good!).

moving day June 1st two years ago. Crazy! I had no idea what to expect in this place. I have no idea what to expect in this new home. I am ridiculously excited for it, though, and to have Turkey Bird by my side and taking care of me like I take care of her. Thanks craigslist for delivering Turkey Bird into my life. And thanks universe for getting us our cool new Parkdale farm!
Pictures to come soon, just as soon as we get there!
p.s. --- we have a dishwasher and a working fireplace!!!!!!!!!!!!!