How would I even start if I were to start posting again on here?
All the millions and millions of things that have happened in the past few months! And even when I was still posting occasionally, everything slips away.
I've had several inquiries lately as to what happened to this and why I don't post anymore. That is the nicest. That anyone still cares about this dipshit of a blog.
I'm just busy!
I spend way less time by myself these days. It feels like I am always at work or out and about.
And if I am home I'm usually doing something stupid like watching TV or just looking at all of Facebook forever.
And if I'm going to be writing I should definitely be putting that writing time into any of my numerous creative projects.
Can I get a job just thinking up ideas for movies for me to star in? And then other people can complete the writing part? Yeah, someone get me that job.
I do feel like having Instagram and Twitter and Facebook updates is just as good as having a blog? No, I guess not.
I was posting to Tumblr for a little bit, worth looking at I would say. Maybe I'll post there again. I feel I can do a different kind of writing there.
I've been feeling quite under the weather, emotionally, lately. For awhile now. I know that I need therapy but the idea of seeking out a therapist seems tough! And I'm tired. Haa, it seems like therapists should be more proactive in finding patients since depressed people are bad at getting things done!
I keep thinking how I'm not, like,
depressed, because I'm not sad about anything in particular and everything is actually fine and stuff, and then I realize that that's how depression works!
I've become mildly convinced that this recent spell of being down is owed to how I don't cry enough anymore. I can't remember the last time I really wept.
I tired to start it out the other night by watching videos of pets being reunited with their owners.
This one kills me!
So, I'm not sure what I'm planning on doing about it. A problem with this depression is that I do think it's a bit character-flaw related, and not physical as much. I know that if I were doing the kind of personal, creative work that I need to be doing that I would be feeling oh-so much better. I would bet you $400.
I have more money coming in right now than I've ever had before. It's SO STRANGE. It's really nice. I oscillate daily on "I should buy myself all the gifts" and "hoard all the money forever and ever, it's fun to have so much money hanging 'round"
HAHAA I'd like to point out here that "so much money" to me is probably less than what most people always make, and I'm just using it to pay off all my debt. It's nice still, though!
Having a bit of income just makes everything feel easier and smoother. It's not the end of the world if I have to cab from audition to work, it's no big deal to buy 5 dresses from value village because they're all just too beautiful, I can own two computers and not feel terribly guilty.
A nice thing I've noticed about having more money is that I can now donate bits of moneys to causes and to indiegogo campaigns and things! It's nice.
Also, we are moving August 1st (end of the Ossington Dreamhome era!) and my roommate, Turkey Bird, and I are in the middle of setting up viewings of two-bedroom apartments for ourselves and it's great not to have to worry about getting a slightly more expensive apartment, and it's going to be utterly luxurious to hire movers!
Guys, I'm nervous about getting a place!! I just want the most beautiful apartment with a beautiful yard! I want it to be settled.
I'm super pleased that Turkey Bird wants to get a place with me. She's just the nicest lady and so easy to be around. We have pretty opposite schedules so when we do get to see each other, it's a treat. I'm looking forward to making a beautiful home with her.
I'm sad not to live with the boys anymore, but I'm ready to have less roommates, and I'm certainly ready to stop having to clean up after people (until I have babies!!!!).
When I first moved I did want lots of roommates and a friendly, social house, and I've loved this experience. I love my room and all the best times I've had around here.
It's just time for a new part.
Exciting! And sad!

(all the locks in Paris)
Well, guys, I went to Europe. I went to England and I went to France! I spent a week in London and a week in Paris. It seems very surreal in retrospect and there are these very clear memories and then other parts that just seem made up. If you don't follow me on Instagram, I do recommend it, Instagram is one of my very favourite things. I love photos.
I still have some more photos that should get posted. Or printed. But I did post all the best ones to Instagram.

(Paris rhino)
I can't really sort through them right now and look at them all because it makes me feel very sad. (edit: I did quickly upload just a few, which are posted here. Now I feel sad. I miss everything all the time!)
I love travelling!
A bad thing is how attached I get to places, though, now I just want to go back to England and France! It would never be enough time. London more than Paris I miss, and Brighton most of all.
I don't know if I would live in Brighton, but... no, sure, yeah, let's move to Brighton!

(rue mouffetard in Paris)
I wish I'd known when I was in England and France at the end of March that when I got back my summertime job would change and I'd be making so much more money than ever before. I would have been less worried/cautious, and I could have bought all of you more gifts!
(hahaaa although, I still have gifts for people that I haven't even given out! Worst! I'm the worst!)
Actually, you know, my trip was just so, so lovely and what an insanely lucky woman I am to have gotten to go!
Good for me for just booking a trip and GOING.
Much more travel in my future, I assume.
(blossoms and the shard, London)
Oh, a thing though: I love Toronto. I lovelovelove Toronto these days.
It's not just that I know the most beautiful wonderful geniuses, and get to have the best times, it's also that this city is huge but has huge trees, the downtown is awful/beautiful, but the island is like being at a cottage, and there's so many parts to the city I haven't even seen yet!
I went down to Sunnyside beach for the first time the other day, and guess what? gorgeous. And I haven't even begun to explore High Park!
I'm excited to keep living here over the years!
(although... NYC, especially, you know...)

Look at my beautiful friends! These are who I get to hang out with!

I went to a beautiful event yesterday, a fundraiser for a play written by my childhood best friend, Prune. It was an early-evening social event, bourbon and gin cocktails, oysters and live jazz.
Why don't we do more things like this all the time? I know I keep saying beautiful, but it really was.
I hear the city is flooded right now. Our roof is pretty severely leaking. A good time to move! I stayed in this evening, drank a couple of celebratory ciders, and napped. I think it's now finally time for me to go back to bed. I love sleeping. Having days off is such a wonderful thing.
Hey, maybe I'm a blogger again now? We'll have to see, I guess.