I'm a really good mood today for the first time in weeks!

Making refried beans? add beer and a bit of curry powder. Catdad's best tip.
My best tip? Quinoa on your tacos. Better than rice!
My body is doing a pretty good job of being a hormonal nightmare lately for no apparent reason? Seems a bit unfair, if you ask me. Maybe it's just getting everything out of the way and now will work like a dream for the rest of my life? HA.
I'm working quite a bit these days. I don't know how much I've said here but I'm working very part-time in the office at a small theatre close to my house. I like this job more than I expected but mostly WEARING MY OWN CLOTHES is the best. All my other jobs require black pants and MAN, there are only so many days in a row I can make black pants work.

office outfit!
Watch Peever bought me in the St. Catharines Salvation Army. I'm prettttty into it.
Blogger has a whole new format and it's annoying and sorry there were no line-breaks in the last entry but hey, I didn't lose any sleep over it.

(look I actually made a craft that I'd pinned on pinterest! ooohhh man, so many tasteful things on pinterest!!)
One of the reasons I resisted actually getting into comedy for as long as I did (and probably if there's a reason I'll shy away from it in the future) is that it's tiring to keep track of what's funny and why it's funny and how you can translate it later into a way to show other people that it's funny. It's tiring. Not awful, but it is a bit of work.
I can't count how many times in the past few months I've asked people, "what was that thing I thought was so funny earlier?"

(Aunties for the first time in forever and it was as good as I thought it'd be.)
But now hanging around most of the time with comedy people has advantages. I think being an funny/obnoxious kid parlayed into me being an obnoxious teenager and the people I hung out with in high-school valued out-cooling each other over doing voices or accents or silly fun bits.
(and obviously people doing accents/voices who are not funny is the MOST ANNOYING)
It would have mortified me to have tried accents or characters in front of them, I think. It was hard trying to be cool. I've been caring way less about being cool with every passing moment of my life.
I'm feeling way more free these days to say every stupid thing that comes into my head. And, luckily, not all of it is horrendously annoying.
Lately I'm getting really into talking in whichever weird way I goddamn feel like! I let myself go off on tangents about whatever I like, I talk to myself in my room about whatever fictional shit I feel like.

That's probably what one needs to do if one wants to be a character comedian. I can't just think about things in my head and then present it fully polished. Everything needs to be worked out and felt-through.
I'm already a good actor, I have a nice sense of honesty and I trust in being able to act out a scene, whether serious or comedic, but really big character work? it's hard! And maybe because of that is the most amazing?

My voice-memo recording on my iphone has been particularly useful! I usually forget what voice I was talking in immediately after doing it, but if I record it I can recreate it, no problem! I made a video for the Second City training centre's Naked Fridays 7 Day Shorts competition purely because I thought to record the stupid shit I was saying to myself while getting ready for work. The voice-memo app also transfers your memos into mp3s and so I could just edit it directly onto a video in imovie!! COMPUTERS ARE THE BEST THING!!
I want them to put the vid up online so that I can post it here!! It's notbad notbad. And it's one of the first character voices I'm really into/proud of.
I'm so, so happy my mum's coming out for my Second City conservatory's final show in mid-june. Especially since now I'm getting a handle on being a good worker (yeah right) and figuring out how to present/perfect/defend/polish my ideas!
Exciting times!

these chocolate tools cost 28 cents with tax and Norman bought them for me, so they are the best. easter candy sales!!