Turkey Bird and I cleaned the kitchen and reorganized that shelf so don't worry. Turkey Bird claims to like cleaning. Maybe I should try liking cleaning. It's all just a matter of deciding things, maybe. (it's not.)

During film fest Carla Ghee and I went ouuuuttt on the town. That's when I bloodied my shins. Low-lying stages are hazards. Shots are hazards. Carla Ghee and I are very much in love. She's a treat.

Also, we went to the sxsw party at tiff. Nic, Norman and I.
Norman and Nic are probably the most heavily influential people in my life these days. They know everything about me and are huge guiding lights and they have both (separately) watched me lie around on the floor in pure emotional agony (or I'm dramatic) in the past few weeks. I owe them both.
They are both geniuses. I liiiiiiike that about them.

hahaa I look dumb in all of these. I look dumb 80% of the time, so it's good that it gets represented in here occasionally!

Ron lives in his studio down the street now, instead of here with us, and they have a trampoline in their living room. I don't know why but I'll never object!

I need unlimited moneys. I wonder what I'd be like if I'd grown up with money, if I had funding for any project I felt like doing.
It's going to be interesting to see if I actually do get better at working, get better at taking myself seriously, etc.