"I've just been snoozing for years"
I keep saying this.
These days anything is possible and probable and I'm getting a better handle on self-confidence and on having goals and real proper ambition again. Seems obvious of a thing to do, but it's not always that easy.
There's so many things I want to do! How have I wasted so much time waiting for things to find me?? So silly! It's totally alright, though. There's still time for me to do everything and then some. There's always time until there isn't (at which point I'm dead so who cares).

Do I look witchy? Maybe a little bit, you can admit it to yourself. I can't tell you all the reasons why I'm witchy right now, but there are a couple. Bear that in your mind.
Maybe vitamin Bs are actually really cool and I should remember to take them full-time. Oh! this just reminded me to go and take some. Mmhmm mhmm!
Yeah, so, I'm haaaaappy these days. Also dreadfully sad at moments. And Monday I just wanted to die and then last night my friend was saying that absolutely everyone she knew had a shitty day on Monday and maybe it's just that something was off-kilter in the universe?

I don't know why my feet seem blue. I'd like to reassure you that it's only the way the light was falling, but who the eff knows. Maybe my feet will fall off soon.

It's getting cold out. We're not having the long, drawn-out summers I've gotten used to. It's crisp out already.
I've got a head cold. I'm really not enjoying it. I was trying to ignore it but it's obnoxious today. My eyes hurt my nose hurts my lungs hurt everything is not my favourite. I found some expired neo-citran in the cupboard so hopefully I don't die drinking it. My newest roommate just brought me a juice from Fresh also. Amazing, amazing.
My new roommate will henceforth be referred to as "Turkey Bird" until she tells me differently. Haahaaa.
Turkey Bird also just moved the rest of her stuff from Vancouver and apparently now we own a food processer!!! oh so excited! Dips and shit! Maybe it'll help us master gluten-free baking (she is also gluten-free)....

Did medicine card readings the other night. It's not a bad way to spend time with someone.
My cards were great, very interesting and I like how it gets you thinking about stuff. Lots of work to do, it says. Oh how right, how right!
Turkey Bird just bought a deck of these so now I can do these whenever I want.
Beaver, Ant, Bear, Weasel, Skunk, Spider, Wolf
nice nice.
Turkey Bird got a turkey in her reading so now you know.

Saw Violet for the first time in forever and ever the other afternoon. One of my favourite things about summer is when one hang-out turns into a new hang-out, turns into dinner, etc. I kissed Violet on her cheek because I was happy to see her. That's a big deal because we are not affectionate.
I've been more affectionate, lately. I have too much of the joys inside of me, I want to put them on other people, you know?