new business cards! so good. Everyone is choosing my high-school photo, obviously. We never got prints of that photo which is too bad because having it in 8x10 would be something special.
Klout (which tracks one's social media influence or some bullshit like that [I'm influential about beards!]) gives you 50 cards from Moo for just paying the shipping and having their idiot logo on it. I'm okay with the logo, just give me the freeee. Ya know?
"party to the moon, please"
Yeah, I am impressed with myself sometimes. also, I did a good design job. right?

it's funny how sometimes I feel like I ask the universe for things and it gives me them. Not always, and not often enough, but.
A couple of entries ago I talked about only caring about honesty. How that's my number one priority. And it's like the universe is gifting me with truth-sayers lately.
I like a good honest-face, I tell you that for free, no problem.

Is anyone else really really into The L.A. Complex? For serious? This is one of my favourite "trashy" shows in quite awhile. Kaldrick King's plot line is just so, so good. I've cried at every episode of season 2 so far. Should I be embarrassed? Yeah for sure.
Train trip to Saskatoon this weekend! I leave Saturday night and get in on Monday night! 48 hours train vacation. I'm hoping the train part is also like a party... I'll make it happen. I'm off the babe-wagon, which is almost too bad because having a big romance on the rails would be swoon-inducing (and you know I only do things for the story. mostly.) but my life is perfect right now so now I just need to make bffs with some travellers and we'll make some fun choo-choo-choose your own adventures.
BAAAAHAHAHA omg I'm so sorry for that joke.
second drake-related post in a row? duuuumb. This drake is a babe, though, that's what I'm getting at here.

Gin Mare! I feel like that should be my nickname.

Amazingly, one of my favourite bartenders at Comedy Bar (how would I choose I love them they're the best) put up my "business" card.

Was at Comedy Bar last night to do my friend's pilot for Pilot Week and in this photo I am lifting my arm over my head to make my face flushed. I'm supposed to look like I was just doing it. Success!
Guuuuys. I have to go do things right now but I don't want to! I want to just watch videos of babes on the internet and search for pictures of dogs in human clothing.
Also, I found out that my new roommate, Chanel's Mum, really loves Christmas and now my dreams of having the most fantastically over-enthusiastically decorated Christmas house WILL ALL COME TRUE.
Also, Captain Heh is very disappointed in me never mentioning that he's my new roommate as well, so here you go, Captain! I like my roommates and my house a lot maybe I should do a post about my experiences in the past year after living on my own for years and years before. Hmmm okay I will ruminated on that. BYE FOREVER.