
please spring, be now

Today would be a good day to follow me on instagram. Oh, how I love instagram.

Man, I sure love a lot of things today. Spring, man, that must be it.

I bought hyacinths and am enjoying my valentines flowers to their bitter end.

I was up and out of the house by 11 for a couple quick errands and it was so warm and sunny. Nothing makes me feel like a luckier lady than when spring starts to hit.

I'm not feeling super well but I'm weirdly powering through it (very unlike me) to do some projects and take photos and stuff. I haven't even watched any TV today. Super bizarre.
Spring, man.

finally got around to hanging some of the crystals from a broken chandelier I found in an abandoned house in Saskatchewan last summer. I've given a few of them away, gave one to my roommate, Catdad (that's what I'm going to call him from now on because the cats follow him around like his little children and he's obsessed with them. in a good way), because he asked. So he's got one for the morning light in his upstairs bedroom.

I'm a big fan of Catdad. So far.
We are both around all the time in the days so it's good we get along. He's very, very silly. And pretty much everything he says makes me laugh. just too silly. He frequently comes downstairs to ask me "serious questions" such as, "does my hair look weird parted to the other side?" and so on...

I had a few of my favourite people over last night to watch the Oscars and Catdad joined for a bit and later he told me, "I stayed quiet and unfunny as I could so people would think you were lying about me".

Finally started going through a bunch of people's pinterest pages. Just sucks you in, doesn't it? My family's pages were especially tasteful (who is surprised!?) and it made me miss them.
You can see what I'm posting: pinterest.com/ohmistletoe, if you like.

I got a surprise (I mean, I knew it was coming I just didn't know so soon) package delivery from my mum this afternoon. Oh how I love a good package (HA HA).

Look at this cape! (I know it's technically a poncho but I really like the word cape better.

I'm pretty pleased with it.

My aunt commented on this on facebook and said "I think you might actually BE your mother."  Maybe not quite, but I do love my mother and also admire her so that is not a bad thing to say to me.
These pictures do particularly make me think of my mother. In several ways.
Funny that my aunt wrote that, though because today I was going back through the tiny magazines I made years ago and found this

too true, too too true.

there was also gluten-free gingersnaps and fair-trade chocolate in this package. Congratulations for being exactly what I wanted to eat today!

this is what my hairs are doing these days. I'm still very torn as to what I want to do with the colour. But I'm also kind of feeling this roots business. I almost wish there were more of a constrast. So much natural colour right now, the most in years.

I like when I look a bit older and plainer, like in these. Like a little mum, like a good person, like a kind little bud.

haaaaaaaa, oh you know what I mean.

Things are going really, really well today. As we've discussed. But I'm also sad. The good kind of sad where it's for a good reason. Does that make sense? Probably if you're a sensitive artist-type like me.
No, what I mean is like I'm homesick and I really miss my mum and family a lot right now. And I'm worried about my future.

Also, sometimes being a good person and good friend is hard.
I talk a lot about wanting to be less selfish. And I very much would like to be a kind person and a good friend. It's funny when one is faced with a situation that tests that. You can either be a good person OR you can have what you want when you want it.
I'm very much a giant brat, so guess what I normally choose.
Anyway. I'm trying to be better. Baby steps, kids, baby steps.